Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 39-40 Completing the Challenge

This is my final post for the challenge.  I am preparing to leave for a weekend with my meditation group.  Each year we celebrate the birthday of our teacher, Ishwar Puri.  I am grateful that I have had a guide on my journey to my Self through meditation.  Listening is the key, listen within yourself.  When the noise has calmed down enough for you to listen, what will you find?  Only you can answer that for yourself.

I would love to hear from those of you who have been following this 40-day yoga challenge.  What has your experience been?  I am listening.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 37 Equanimity

As I reflect on the past 37 days, I ask myself, and you can ask your self...what has been your sustenance in this challenge? For me it is equanimity.  I like the word, I just learned it through yoga and meditation practice.  It is my commitment to myself - to notice when I drift away from my core Self, my equanimity.  The practice of noticing.  Practice.  It is becoming a deeper habit.  To notice when the anxiety and fear begin to creep into my mind.  Ahh, there it is and it is "not me", I can choose peace instead of that.  I choose, I breath, and now what pervades my mind more than not is equanimity.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 35, Take a Deep Breath Now

The power of now.  Take a moment, right now, to take a deep breath.  check out this video re-shared from Muselan.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 31 - Beginning of the End

How have you done with your yoga challenge?  Do you realize that there are only 9 days left?  What does that feel like?  Whatever you have done thus far, there is a whole 9 days left.  Creation of all there is happened in 7 days, in some circles...actually in 6.   We are supposed to have a day off too.

Take time out to nurture yourself today in any small way - if only for 30 minutes or better yet, give yourself an hour.  What can you do?  Take a warm bath, drink a cup of tea.  Sit and close your eyes, breathe & smile.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29 - Already???

Just kidding.  This has been the longest yoga challenge I have ever experienced.  I am unable today to generate a positive attitude.  I am not optimistic today.  My mood sucks, my body hurts, I am frowning,. . . wait!  Okay, no - still nothing good showing up here.  Well - dang - whatever!!!!  I am going to go out and BE love, light, radiant smiling and inspiration anyway.  Deep breath in.  Ahhh...  Smiling now.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 27 Procrastination can be a good thing.

I procrastinate.  I put things in piles I will get to later.  Sometimes I don't get to it for a year, then it is something that no longer is something I can address, so it goes in the recycling or helps light a fire in the fireplace.  There are too many things in this world to do, to read.  This is the information age and there is TMI - too much information.  As human beings, we are not meant to be constantly doing.  We are meant to be "being".

Today we cleaned our home.  I saw all of the things, again, that I have put aside to deal with later.  So many things.  Once a year, it seems, I put things into bags, do mass recycling, give things away.  How does it all get there?  Where is it all coming from?

The office supplies I have - I helped my aunt & uncle move and they had those office supplies they didn't want to store to take with them to Washington.  The music CD's I have - a collection that has grown over the years.  I have been around for over 50 year now.  There are floppy discs from old computers, supplies for my daughter's wedding that she changed the plans over.  The books people gave me.  All of these things weigh on me, they fill up my head.  I will deal with that later.  It continues to accumulate in the attic.

After Christmas holidays or before, I'll have a give away.  I don't know yet when I'll do it.  I'll think about it later.  I take a deep breath.  Let it go.  Ahh, that's better.

Whenever I do deal with these things (once a year), I realize how abundant life is.  You see it in nature, you see it in your attic.  I am reminded how wealthy we are and don't even realize it.  I also realize how little we really do need.  I am also grateful - when I worry about not having enough or being enough, all I have to do is visit my attic space.  Then I stop worrying - because I can give away what I have - I do have enough - I am enough.

When practicing yoga and meditation, we see these things more clearly.  The practice opens our awareness and has us looking at our life, our thoughts, our relationships and gives us the motivation to clear out the stuff.  This is what yoga is :  Patanjali (in the yoga sutras) says “yoga is the restriction of the fluctuation of
consciousness” (yogash-citti-vrtti-nirodhah).  The goal of yoga - is ultimately stilling the mind, clearing out the junk (fluctuation).  There is nothing to do but "be".

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 25 Boycotting "black Friday" - Aparigraha

Here is a challenge for me today.  Today is "Black Friday".  I am a business owner, and I am first a yogi.  I live my life through and from yoga.  I have said many times that yoga is not just exercise.  It is a way of life and a philosophy as well.  There are 8 limbs of yoga, 2 of the limbs: yamas and niyamas.  As a dedicated practitioner I make my choices in life based on these 10 observances.  When I feel a little flutter in my chest around something, all I have to do is look at the situation (that is causing the disturbance in the force within me) from one of these yamas or niyamas.

Today it is aparigraha.  Aparigraha challenges us to not accumulate things that we do not need.  Already I have too many things in my home.  Everyone I know says the same thing.  Greed - wanting more - wanting more for less - this has been the downfall of many a society.  I believe it can be found at the root of what is happening in our economy today.  I acknowledge the many thousands of people - worldwide - who have said and are saying "enough is enough".  Who make a stand for what they believe in.  There are "occupy" protests in many major cities because of this greed.  There are businesses failing, people losing their jobs, their homes.  But there is another way emerging.  Another voice.

I boycott black Friday for these reasons and more.  I do not need more things, I don't need to be out shopping in crowds, seeing greed with my own eyes, and I don't like to support events that do not support a sustainable local economy.  If things are being sold for 1/2 price all of the time, who is taking the loss?  You know it is not the large corporations best-paid people.  It is the people who are asked to show up to work at midnight, for a low hourly wage, they are losing sleep, their respect.  They show up to work not because they can't wait to see all of the shoppers at midnight.  They show up to work because they are afraid that they will lose their job if they do not show up. 

I am boycotting black friday because I must take a stand, now.  For a future that is sustainable.  I want a future where all people have access to what they need:  food, shelter, health care, freedom, a career they love, passion and freedom of self-expression.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 23

The sun is shining and warming us in Minnesota.  I just enjoyed teaching my class at Fountain Place (I teach a small group of women there every Wednesday morning).  This group loves yoga.  They have a unique perspective as they are from the country where yoga was born.  What is fun about teaching them is that they ask questions and are not afraid to try really challenging poses.  They don't take yoga seriously.  Why should we?  It is a physical exercise that is meant to make the body feel good.  The body that is not permanent.  It is the clothing our soul wears for this short time on the planet.  Yes, it is a very short time, relative to all of time.  The body is meant to wear out eventually.

However, why not use what we have to our utmost?  Why not have fun, be healthy & vibrant while we are living this short life!  I was thinking this morning that the yoga asana practice is good, the meditation is good, but that I feel like a good long walk there is really no substitute for.  What about you?  Remember what it is like to take a good long walk?  After you are done walking you can feel the blood pumping through everywhere, even your skin?  The face is flushed, and you experience positive emotions.  A good vigorous yoga practice can do that too, as well as about 30 minutes of laughing. What is happiness - joy - really?

It is certainly not what is outside of us, but what comes from inside of us.  Enjoy your day 23!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 21 - what to do with a low energy day

It's cold outside, the skies were gray.  What to do with a low energy day?  Take a warm bath, slather on the lotion, get dressed warm & meet friends for coffee, conversation and creating.

I looked at my motivation today.  I take care of household chores and feel grumbly about it.  I realize that I am experiencing a sense of attachment.  If I do all the dishes & laundry, I wish someone else would do it, or say "wow - thanks!".  I realize that when I am attached to the outcome of doing these things, an outcome like these, I am crabby when it doesn't show up.  I forget the yoga mind-set that we are all one and that my work in the world is simply my work in the world.  It does not matter what I do, but with which state of mind.  My actions can be done with love, they can be done with resentment, or they can be done without thinking about it, just doing it because it is there to be done.

Trying to observe states of mind is a yoga practice, it is a good preparation for meditation.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 20 - We are halfway there!

Today is the 20th day of the 40 day yoga challenge!  I haven't written for several days - I run a business and the various aspects of that have taken me from writing, but not from my practice.  Why?  I start each day with meditation.  I cannot even begin my day now without checking in to my quiet meditation place in my mind.  This is where all of my energy for life is recharged each morning.  The yoga practice, the physical part, is something that keeps me fit and healthy.  People around me were sick this week.  It was interesting to observe that a couple of people who were sick I noticed that they are not doing a regular mind/body practice
and seemed to be working too much or too stressed out.

It is so tempting, isn't it(?) to allow the pull of "I should do this" or that to take you off balance.  I knew I had a full schedule this week, working Thursday night, Friday night and all days Saturday, so I slept later than usual on Thursday morning.  I kept having this nagging feeling like I should be doing some work during my morning off.  Owning my own business, I frequently have this experience.  I don't work 8-5 or 9-5 Mon-Friday.  I work some on Monday, all day and night Tuesday, morning and night Wednesday and have a couple of hours free during the work week.  Some weekends I work all day on Saturday and, during yoga teacher training weeks, I sometimes work 7 days solid.  This kind of a work schedule can be challenging to maintain balance in mind & body.

Here's a tip to how I do it:  when it's time to "not work".  I completely relax and escape into a book, a bath, a movie, or talk to someone on the phone.  I may just run around the house cleaning it and mentally chanting a mantra.  I focus on my meditation time.  When thoughts creep up about any aspect of my work - I say "stop" to my thoughts - then re-direct them.  "Let it go", I tell myself.

Another practice I do is to remember all of the people who are also part of Yoga Prairie.  I think of a student who showed up yesterday to help set up for the art boutique.  I think of a friend, an author, who came to show his support and gave me a donation for the studio. I think of another student who showed up with delicious baked bars for the day.  Omm...  I may be a business owner, but I am not doing this alone.  I am grateful for all of the love and support that keeps our little community studio going.

So - - you are halfway through...take some time today to take an inventory of what you have experienced in the past 20 days, look at the support and love you are gifted each day.  Be grateful for all of that, then let it go and have a restful Sunday.  Only 20 days to go!



Monday, November 14, 2011

Yoga Challenge, Day 14

Today my heart feels a bit sad, yet full of love.  What can we do when someone we love is suffering?  I don't want to say who, but someone whom I am very close to experienced a relationship break-up this weekend.  The evening it happened I was dancing at the studio.  I remember during the dance feeling so happy, light and free and wishing that for everyone around me.  Then in that moment, I simply was "being with" what ever each person in the room was feeling.  This is the heart of compassion.  This is what the teachings of the Buddha are all about.  The Buddha was a man who wanted to end all suffering in the world.  It is no coincidence that when I was suffering from relationship challenges many years ago, that I heard about the practice of taking on the suffering of others.  To "be with" other's pain: not resisting in, not trying to fix it, simply sharing it with them and allowing it to be.  This is such a powerful practice that I want to share that with you today.  We cannot fix other people's pain, but we can share it.  Today I allow all feelings to reside in my heart: the love, the joy and the sad suffering of heartache.  This is my practice and gift to my loved-one today who is suffering.  Namaste.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 11 was on 11-11-11!

I didn't write in the blog yesterday (this is day 12 of the 40-day yoga challenge).  Yesterday was 11-11-11, a once in a lifetime occurrence.  I wanted to spend the entire day being present to the energy all around and within me.  It was an incredible day.

We had a one hour meditation at 11 am in the studio (phenomenal) - it was also World Meditation Day.  So much love - what a beautiful time it was.  We had a group of 8 meditatators representing 7 countries!  We acknowledged the coincidence of this global microcommunity in a time of global community.

In the evening I attended our Ecstatic Dance event.  It was the 2nd time in our studio and the first time I attended.  At first I thought I had not done this before, but as we got started I realized that this type of dance is what I have been doing since I was 5 years old in front of my parents tv on Saturday mornings when American Bandstand came on!  It reminds me of my favorite song that I kept singing over and over again when I was 5:   I love you yeah, yeah, yeah. . . by the Beatles.  I was such a Beatles fan at age 5 and not until I turned 50, did I realize the significance of their lyrics!  I too am on a path of love & devotion now.  The Beatles sang about that path and it is so amazing to me that they became so famous and yet, it is not surprising.  When all of your actions, thoughts, words are coming from love:  life is fabulous!

Back to the Dance:  I love movement - in yoga, I put on music and move through asanas, linking movement with breath.  In dance, I do the same, but it is more free.  My legs are very tired today after a week of practicing yoga, then dancing last night for two hours.  But I am relaxed.  I am smiling because of the experience, the beautiful music that DJ Bonobo played and the energy that was released in the dance.  It has been too long since I danced.  I invite you to come next time, it is very fun.  (Dec. 9, 2011 at 7-10 pm)

Now I am preparing to attend our 108 sun salutations event.  I do not know where I will find the energy and strength to lead this event.  I am not worried, however.  From many years of reaching into the unlimited well through life, through yoga practice too, I am confident the event will be great.  The energy will be there because the event is not about me.  The event is a fundraiser for "There and Back Again"  an organization that provides services for combat veterans of all conflicts.  One of the services is providing yoga classes.  Please check out their website and donate online if you are not able to attend.  Here's one quote from the site:  "Yoga gave me hope and the strength I needed to reconnect myself to the world again".  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10 of 40

Wow.  Day 10.  One fourth of the way done now.  40 days seems like such a long time now.  Today I did the ashtanga primary series.  This is my favorite yoga asana practice, and the most difficult for me to practice consistently.  I know I am not alone when I say that most days I have a hard time staying "on task" when Ipractice by myself.  It is so much easier for me to practice my meditation daily, but a daily asana practice - alone - that is a challenge.  (surprised?)

It is so worth it.  I was so inspired that I wrote about it and posted a new page on my website.  Here's the link: 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 8-9 - 40 Day Yoga Challenge

Priorities.  Yesterday morning I listened to a talk by my spiritual master/teacher Ishwar Puri on You Tube (IshwarPuriSantMat).  There are several talks on there.  Check them out.  Just click on one that appeals to you (there are appealing titles).  I saw "priorities" and clicked on it.  Once again I heard a message I keep finding everywhere:  if you are focusing on your meditation practice, your spiritual life, (as a priority), the rest of life happens around you and you do your everyday tasks with greater ease because your focus is not on those things.  You do things (like the dishes or the laundry) in service with love & devotion, and the task is transformed.

Right now I am listening to him talk about Faith.  He is making a distinction about faith.  That faith is not blind faith.  It is something that gets stronger when you see things like miracles and coincidences.  You can build your faith - look for proof.  I have done this many times and have had so many miracles show up in my life that I no longer get too surprised by them.  I am always delighted and excited by these small miracles and coincidences.

How do you know when you have made progress?  Ishwar says that when you experience less anger, lust, greed, ego, attachment (symptom emotional pain), that is a measure of your spiritual progress.

This is not something that practicing yoga asana can do for you, not just the exercise.  However, engaging your mind and intention into the asana practice can do this for you.  How?  Set an intention!  If you have a concern for someone (like today mine will be dedicated to my mother healing from bronchitis), dedicate your practice to that someone.  Focus your love and devotion to that someone while you move through your asana.

There is no asana practice more powerful than the 108 Sun salutations.  This is a moving prayer.  At the Yoga Prairie studio, we are hosting a 108 event this Saturday afternoon.  It is broken down into 3 segments with 15 minute break in between.  It is a fundraiser for an organization that offers services to combat veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.  One of the services is yoga.  I can't imagine a more difficult life event to recover from than being involved in the violence of war and the organization "There and Back Again" is helping these veterans through recovering.

What you have read today...this is my yoga.  I keep my body fit, my mind fit, focus it all on serving God and these are results that happen around and within me.  I pray that I can make a difference in this world.  I'm going to be a grandmother (in June 2012).  I envision a world where all people have healthy food, clean water, comfortable shelter and safe, happy, loving, self-expressed lives.  Wow! Envision that!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 7 - 40 day challenge

Yesterday I decided that this week I would be committed to "raising my frequency" and the vibe of everyone around me.  I know that at times I have been a "downer" at home - perhaps to balance out my incredible positive energy at other times.  I decided to really focus on bringing even that down time up a few notches this week.

This morning, I woke up to my first challenge:  my friend Robert Roos was killed this weekend.  My first reaction was denial.  "no that can't be" was what I immediately said.  Not Robert.  He was only 33 years old. Robert was incredibly energetic, passionate and one of those mad geniuses you are fascinated to talk to, quickly realize what he is saying is barely graspable by your brain, yet you just love being in the presence of such brilliance, excitement and sweetness.  That is how I would describe Robert.

I was so inspired by his ideas - yet couldn't quite grasp them - they were so beyond what exists now.  But are they really beyond us?  He wanted to start a forum - a group - to gather and discuss what is possible - to talk about science, philosophy, politics, religion, and how we could have it all be integrated with the divine and higher dimensions of time, space and reality.  I have met 2 other geniuses like Robert in my past with similar vision and connection to other realms or levels of consciousness in their physical existence.  They were both physicists - one a teacher of Master level Physics in college who was on sabbatical to write a book about raising consciousness and vibrations of human beings.

If you are saying "Huh?" right about now, that is what it was like for many of us to be around Robert.  However, he would give you such a sweet, happy, loving smile - such innocence in his face and heart, that you couldn't help but stay and listen a little bit longer than your brain could handle.  I'm so sorry your life was stolen from you Robert.  I know that you are someone who can somehow break through to communicate even from where you are now.  Keep shining your light my sweet friend!  We will try to carry out your vision here - thank you for your inspiration.  (Robert was writing a book - I hope it gets published!)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 6 of 40 day challenge

Sunday and the time changed.  One more hour of sleep and I woke up refreshed.  Rest is such a good thing. R & R. Do we get enough of it?  I think I rest enough, but when I take a day to let go of all of my usual work - mentally and physically - the following day I feel so much more rested than if I had worked all day and got enough sleep - even with a nap thrown in.

I intentionally create these "rest days" for myself.  I give myself permission to stop working.  When I am in the state of being that I don't "have to" do anything, something deeper kicks in.  It is hard to explain, but I am trying to.  The creative juices just bubble up when I am in that state of being.  I become excited once more.  I accomplish way more after one of those days of rest, than I would have had I worked through that time.

This is a part of a 40-day yoga challenge.   We must take a day of rest each week.  Today is the once a month gathering in my home for my meditation group.  We meditate for an hour, then eat yummy food.  We let go of worldly concerns & life for an hour and contemplate our inner realms.  Some call it heaven, or the Master or higher realms.  Whatever you call it, step outside of worldly life, stop thinking, close your eyes and listen for the voice of God within you.  Namaste.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 4 & 5 of 40 Yoga Challenge

Sometimes we have to put our noses down and work hard.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I love teaching yoga.  I had the opportunity to do a sample yoga class to a group of women for a "Ladies Night" last night.  I got to tell them about some of the benefits of practicing yoga.  It inspires me to talk about it.  Simple things like moving all of your joints, paying attention to your breath, and practicing relaxation flat on your back, makes a profound difference in physical, emotional and mental well-being.

It is not easy to commit to a daily yoga practice.  It is simple to practice yoga daily.  It doesn't have to be complicated.  Moving with awareness, intention, focusing on the breath.  This is simple.  Taking action when your mind tries to talk you out of it.  That is the work.  You can then take this lesson into other areas of life.  Where do you avoid taking action?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3 of 40 day yoga

I am trying on a new way of being during this yoga challenge.  Being happy and at peace.  My intention is to have that spread far and wide.  Here's a hint:  smile.  If you smile, someone might see you.  That someone might smile, boom!  You just set off a chain-reaction of smiles!!!  If no one is around: go now!  Find someone and Smile at them!  Let's see what happens!  Let me know your story about it too.  Comment on the blog or facebook. 

Remember: this challenge is to do yoga every day for 40 days.  Get one day of physical rest in 7, 20 minutes of exercise (yoga) daily minimum and at least 2 per week of 60 minutes of yoga.  Join the challenge - it's free.  Attend classes at your local yoga studio - support your local studio!  We teachers are small business owners offering a very valuable service out of our passion for holistic well being.  (how to join: let me know by commenting too, that's all)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 2 of 40 day yoga challenge

This morning's practice was fun.  I had four students at the Fountain Place yoga class this morning, two started, then two joined in later.  About 45 minutes into the class, the electricity went out, but we continued to practice in the dark.  It was much quieter then.  We all became quieter and could focus more on our poses.  Earlier, before class I had meditated for a short time, then my practice was cleaning house after returning from my trip to San Francisco.  It felt good to pick up my home, do some laundry and make my home a quiet refuge once more.

The lesson for me today is surrender.  To allow the gifts of love, joy and flow of life to come in.  This is my biggest challenge and I see this as a gateway to the abundance needed to flourish in life.  I challenge everyone reading this to do the same for yourself.  How do you allow your abundance to flow?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1 of 40 day challenge 11-1-11

Off to a great start!  I woke up still in San Francisco because I missed my flight last night.  So many things ran through my mind.  Remembered the challenge begins today.  So I practiced some asana poses in my hotel room, meditated to be connected to my higher Self to find the higher purpose for missing my flight.  It became clear then that I was rushing back after my daughter's wedding for a job of teaching 4 yoga classes on Tuesday.  I had to cancel the first two classes and Mita and Michael are subbing for the two evenings classes.  I know now who would have taught the classes today if I had shown up.  My body and my mind.  My heart and spirit are still in San Francisco with my daughter.  Also with my new grandbaby to be. 

I must follow my heart.  I love my daughter and want to be a part of my grandbaby's life.  To run a yoga studio by myself with my will power won't allow that.  To let go and acknowledge it is time to move on to the next phase of business: having the studio be a community-run yoga studio... that is where I want to head the business.  I started it for the community and soon will be handing it over to the community.  Aahhh, I can really breathe easier now that I wrote this.  If you are reading this and want to be part owner,, let me know.  I don't know how it will look yet, but that is not up to just me anymore. 

I will be home tonight after a good nights rest last night and today alot of Self reflection.  I was standing, then kneeling at an aiport computer terminal (no chairs) and a man just now brought me a wheelchair to sit in!  I am truly blessed, well taken care of by all around me.  So are you.  Namaste..

Monday, October 24, 2011

Beginning your 40-Day yoga challenge

Step one:  commit
Step two:  sign up to follow the blog
Step three: schedule your classes - at least 2 per week in a studio and 4 per week at home
Step four: begin on Nov. 1st and keep in touch!  You can post on this blog- we can support each other!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

40 Days Completed

Yesterday was the final day of the 40 day yoga challenge.  This has been a very quiet one.  That is perfect, yoga should quiet things down!  It did.  I have practiced 6 days a week, and have gotten into a deeper practice than ever before.  It is ironic that I am talking about something that is such an inner process, I find myself not being able to put it into words, or even wanting to.  However, there is a passion within me that tells me to share this experience.  Yoga.  It gives me such joy, peace, contentment that I want to share it.

The thing about this is you can not hold onto it.  It is like a butterfly, you allow it to land on you and do not grasp it.  You simply practice attending to the posture, the breath, observe the minds gymnastics, and let go.  Continue to practice.  That is the key.  You practice, and practice, and do not look for the results. It takes patience and perseverance.  It takes a commitment to allowing all to arise, never grasping.

What arises is everything:  tears, sadness, anger, joy, peace, ugliness, heartache, pain, energy, power.  It is all there.  If you reject any of it, you are stuck in that which you reject.  What you are left with after 40 days...your self.  I am still myself.  Nothing has changed and everything has.  Is my life in a better place because of this?  My life is in a better place right now, in this moment, and this too shall pass.  Perhaps you could say that my mind isn't so much in control of me.  I have practiced not getting hooked into all of this passing stuff.  I am a little bit better at it now than I was 40 days ago.  And...this too shall pass.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 38 Hump Day

I am resting on the hump today.  I did my practice this morning.  It was fabulous: I got to move and sweat and enjoy my yoga and listen to my breath.  This is what makes yoga great.  Now...this moment.  I am at peace.  I picked up a book my uncle gave me years ago and read:  "Timelessness.  When one finally arrives at the point where schedules are forgotten, and becomes immersed in ancient rhythms, one begins to live."  The book: Reflections From the North Country, by Sigurd F. Olson.

These words accurately describe my experience today.  It is as if I have arrived at this point.  Un-scheduling my life has led me here.  It has taken me several months to do this.  In March when I took a group on a yoga retreat in Costa Rica, I was unwinding for a week in the rainforest.  Spending time in daily meditation and yoga, and lots of time alone, relaxing and reading, I reflected on my hectic life in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.  Winter was long, the studio was getting busier and I was over scheduled.  I vowed to myself to change that.  What is the quality of a life lived if you are always busy?

I saw that there was still much work to accomplish to arrive there.  I must first have my home be easier to maintain, my business/finances needed major overhaul in order for my daily schedule to be more spacious.  I began clearing it all away.  I didn't attempt this blindly, I looked at it through meditation.  I meditated and asked - what is the most effective thing I can do right now that will create more space and timelessness for myself in the near future?

It didn't make logical sense to me or to many around me.  I didn't care.  I had a knowing that each action I took felt right and that these actions were creating the environment for richness of living, rather than creating busy-ness.

I also recognized that many thoughts that came up were fear-based thinking and recognizing those, chose to ignore them and attend to the actions that created harmony and flowing energy in my life and environment.  One example was my finances.  I knew I needed to find an accountant or bookkeeper, since that was one thing that was driving me crazy.  It took me almost two months, I asked around and kept having this knowing that the right one was there, and would show up at the right time.
Of course she did show up.  That's all taken care of now.

I am at peace and I still work strange hours. I still have more to put into order and cause to have my business work financially.  My focus now, however, has changed.  It has transformed.  My focus is inward and upward.  My answers and direction comes from a higher place, from a peaceful place.

May you also find that harmony and peace in your own life.  It is there - just waiting for you.  Don't worry - you may have to struggle and work very hard as you begin.  Don't give in to fear.  Keep your minds-eye on what you want your life to look like.  If you don't know that right now, stop "doing".  Just "be" - spend time resting.  I do not know how long it will take.  I do not know how long you will have to work hard to find it.  Keep at it and cultivate your love.  That is the most powerful source for you to draw from - have your actions be for love.

2 more days to go for the 40-day challenge.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 36 - Each Day a New Beginning

Monday morning.  Only 4 days to go in the challenge.  I ask myself, what have I accomplished in this challenge?  What have you?  For me, I think, some added strength, my ashtanga practice has returned (I am able to do it again), a bit more endurance, a promise of physical vitality & power. That's temporary though.

Letting that thought go....This day can be day one, moment one.  We can begin anew in each moment if we let go of the past.  I do believe this is one secret to vitality, (the fountain of youth, happiness, longevity, peace of mind). . . Letting go of the past.  It can be done, one breath at a time.

Monday morning - the past tells me I must be productive this morning - and all day!  I own a business!
Yoga philosophy tells me that any action creates Karma.  With that in mind, what reaction do I want?  I contemplate that one.  What I want is peace.  Everywhere.  It must begin with me, so what I create in this moment is letting go of the past, the thinking, the I should's and you should's, and just be present to what is here right now:   The sun is filtering into my windows....

I have created a home that is peaceful, a place of nurturing, love and rest.  I can listen to my music & my meditation teacher speaking about the spiritual path (on you tube) and allow my actions to arise from that peaceful place.
It is ironic that students look to me for motivation and want to "change" something - like their weight or flexibility.  I struggle daily myself with many things, yet, I am firmly on the path of practice.

Practice is where it is at.  Practice in every moment.  Observe your thoughts, actions, words, choices, make the choices that create good in your life and let go of the choices that take away from your life.  That's all there is to it.
How long will it take?  In this day of instant gratification, I don't know anyone who really likes the answer to this question.  It takes a life time.  It takes a long time.  I have been practicing for 27 years.  I am still practicing.

Thank you for practicing with me - together, we are stronger and more dedicated to this practice -and we make a tremendous difference in the world.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 33 Happy It's Not Day 32 Anymore!

If you read my blog yesterday, and thought perhaps my mood changed at some point from practicing yoga, it did - for about one hour.  Then the water leaked in the yoga studio from the water heater and the old friend was back - oh noooo!!! It's all horrible.  So I finally let go, allowed myself to be miserable.  I told my husband what a bad day it was.  I didn't make a big story out of it, just listed all of the things I did not like about the day and quit resisting it.

Before I went to bed last night, my husband asked me to read an article he found on the internet.  He left it on the computer for me.  I finally got out of my chair and slunked to the computer and sat down and read the article.  It was written by a woman who wrote a book and submitted it to publishers and was rejected by 40 publishers.  Then her book was published. She wrote that if you asked her husband what are her best and worst traits, he would say.  1.  She never quits.  and 2.  She. Never. Quits.   She wrote about all of the crazy things she did to get the book written better before resubmitting it.  She worked on her book in the hospital while giving birth, she lied to her husband telling him she was going to a girl's weekend out of town and checking into a neighborhood hotel to work on her book.

I got it.  Thanks honey, I said before going to bed.  I was asleep after reading two pages of my book - Beyond Power Yoga.  Yes, I am a lot like that woman - passionate, obsessive at times, about teaching yoga, about running the yoga studio, about studying yoga, about my spiritual practice, about my life being my yoga.  And I keep getting those "rejection letters" (in the form of bills that I pray I can pay) and I keep trying again and again and again.  I know that my passion will also finally "get published" (i.e. out of the red) because I just will not quit. (now where is the water heater repair guy?!)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 32 Challenge of Being

I woke up worried.  I recognized this mood immediately.  It has been a near constant companion since opening my own business.  And it has been my nemesis.  How to quit worrying?  What is the yogic trick to this?

My meditation master says "Worry is praying for failure".  Groan. . . I know!!!  It just happens!  It's August, the slowest month of EVERY year for a Minnesota yoga studio.  I know that and still get upset when it happens.  I alternate between upset and laughter - ha ha haa!  It's so funny that this upsets me exactly the same way for exactly the same reason.

When did this old fear first begin to plague me?  I recall experiencing this when I was in my 20's right after purchasing a new home with my first husband.   I knew then what I know now.  Worry does not help, it actually hinders.  However, now I have a tool.  I have yoga and meditation.  I have the ability to redirect my attention.  I have some control over that wild mind that says "oh noooooh!!!!".  It is a little bit of control now, but it is just enough that instead of existing in worry for the entire day - I am free of it in less than one hour from waking up.  How?

I have things to do!!!  I have a beautiful home to take care of!  I get to go teach some very enthusiastic yoga students - who happen to be from India too - so I get to practice learning more about their names - "Rupa", "Preetha" - they always come to class.  Then after that, I get to work with Lynn on my shoulder stand - she's a master-teacher in my studio - my shoulder is still stuck from my bike accident last year.

The challenge of being  - what this means to me is that each day I can choose to "be" anything - no matter what my circumstances.  Each day when my mind wakes up take time to shift my being to what I want - to how I want to spend my day.  Today I choose being grateful, enthusiastic and loving.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 26 Practicing Yoga

Day 26 and I am wondering when I will act on what I really want:  to practice yoga every morning - early, meditate and have one day of rest.  Surprised?  I practice my yoga every day.  I do asana practice everyday, I meditate, I practice yoga in action and I still think I should be doing something differently or better - I still think "it's not enough".  This is human mind - we all think that way.  Maybe some of you don't do that to yourselves, many of us do.  When am I enough?  Rarely.  So my practice is to let go of that each day, to not think of myself, what I am getting out of life - to focus on what I am giving in life and the small acts of love and kindness I am given the opportunity to perform in each and every moment. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 22 Hottest summer in Minnesota

Once again the theme of this challenge comes up - patience or perseverance!  The heat wave that has hit our country has even been causing suffering in Minnesota.  The thing that is difficult for me to take is sleeping in air conditioning, then going outside, the change is incredible.  It's like walking into a wall when I step outside into the heat & humidity.  It reminds me of how much we complained about our winter this year: it was a very long, cold, snowy winter.  Longer, colder, snowier!  And I remember back then I said "Minnesotans love to complain about the weather" I think that's why we live here.  It is always changing.  Life is always changing.  In the practice of yoga, we step back and watch the changes as they go by.  We remain unattached, not clinging, not suffering.  We experience it all and push none of it away.  (Ideally!)  And if we are practicing yoga in Minnesota, we complain along the way : ).  Just for fun.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What Day is it?? Day 17

What happened to the last 5 days?  My attention has been pulled away from blogging to working on website.  Once again my arch nemesis rears its ugly head!  Impatience combined with Fear!  What if? what if? I gotta get it done NOW!  I remember my former doctor Tom telling me about adrenal exhaustion 20 years ago when I had  it from giving birth AND getting our house ready to sell (only a few weeks later)...  He said: you can't whip a dead horse!  So what do I do?  I gently coax the horse along with promises of a vacation in just a few weeks, or something in the future (the carrot).
Two days ago, Saturday, the horse laid down and wouldn't get back up.  I knew I must surrender - no choice then.  I lay around with Angus reading and watching a movie, then reading, then watching a movie and eating choice yummy foods he brought me.  I was exhausted, the mind wouldn't think, the body wouldn't move.
My friend Maria tells me - we teachers must practice what we teach!  I know I say to her.
After a day of rest, I am back in the saddle, and I put the road signs in place- the "stop" signs, the yield signs, they are written into my calendar.
Yesterday it was a swimming pool meeting at 1:30-3:30 pm (I am tanned now).  Tonight it is a friend's baby shower, tomorrow I am visiting another friend to sit and watch her clear her office.  No stress, just rest.  Friday, I go pick raspberries and hopefully bring some home (I like to eat as I pick!).  In between all of that, I am still working on my website, scheduling classes, creating offerings for my studio that will also nurture those who come to my space.
This is yoga, yoga is all of life.  Namaste.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday, Day 10

Yoga challenge, practicing yoga daily is not only asana, keeping mindful of breathing, how you move through life.  That can be the greatest challenge especially when there is alot of business and weather happening right now.  July 18th it is in the 90's and humid outside.  Driving in a hot car, walking outside in the heat after being comfortable in air conditioning.  How does that feel?  Do you experience this fully?  Do you suffer?  I am crabby when it is very hot outside.  I looked at the weather forecast for the next several days.  No relief in sight this week.  It will be hot.  How to adapt?  I asked my students.  They are settling in at home and catching up on inside work.  I love staying inside in this weather, planning my days around the weather.  We have to do this a lot in Minnesota.  Sometimes it is too cold, sometimes too hot.  Lethargy sets in when it is hot.  We forget to drink enough water, we forget to honor our body.  Your body requires more rest, cooler food, more water.  Easier yoga.  We have to get up earlier to walk our dog, set up the fans in the home to circulate the air.  Being present isn't so much fun.  In yoga philosophy, the ancient texts tell us that there is always a balance between the good and the bad.  I enjoy the bad, like this heat, this weather, because I know there will be good coming again.  I am not attached to it.  When it is beautiful outside, I enjoy it, knowing that this too will change.  Nothing is permanent.  Be kind to yourself and others right now.  Compassion, gentleness, treating yourself and others kindly.  This too is yoga.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Time to Check in!

The first week of the 40 day yoga challenge is complete.  How are you doing?  What are your observations, challenges, victories, failures? 

Day 8 of 40 day yoga challenge

I did not write for the 7th day.  All my life, I and many of us, have heard that on the 7th day, rest.  I rested and once again sat by the teacher, Nagin, and listened to his stories about yoga philosophy and also much about world religions.  I did not know that Muslim's started the University system or that Hindu religion changes constantly as humanity changes.  He knows about some of the more obscure sects of religions, like the Tantric yogis (which he does not like), and fundamentalists who support the caste system in India.  I had no idea that there is a problem there with caste leaders ordering people killed if they marry someone from a different caste or religion even.  Some couples have fled to America just to be able to live together - otherwise they would die together in India. These are stories we do not want to hear.  But just as the god Siva swallowed the poison when all the gods & goddesses were churning the ocean for their powers & gifts, in order to live a truly spiritual life, we must learn to swallow our own poisons, yet not eat it.  What does that mean??  It is symbolic.  Life is all of the good and the bad.  A truly spiritual human being does not reject any of it, yet does not allow the poison of it to harm them.  Nagin Sanghavi has dedicated his life to finding and teaching the truth.  He has risked his life many times over many years to teach and speak up about the injustices in the world, so that other people's lives can be better.

As practitioners of yoga, we too must look at life around us, continue to improve ourselves and speak the truth.  Satya is the second yama in the Yamas (the 1st limb of yoga).  Satya is truthfulness  Look around all of life and in your life  -  where do you see the truth or the not truth?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 6 - Things are not what they seem...

As I spend time with the teacher from India, Nagin Sanghavi, I am renewing my excitement and passion for studying all of life!  At age 93, he is currently sitting at my dining room table writing an article that will be published in India.  He writes a weekly column.

He studies Sanskrit and translates it.  He has read the original text of Patanjali, the yoga sutras, over and over again and says he still does not understand it.  Then he explains some concept that Patanjali writes about that I had never heard before (even though I have read a translation of the text several times).  Reading a book in the language it was originally written, you get the meaning the author meant to convey.  I think it will take too long for me to learn sanskrit, yes, it will however, if I live to 93 or 100 or 120 (yesm possible), I have plenty of time to study.  One day at a time, one moment at a time, to practice something.  We have an infinite amount of time.  How will I use it?  A common theme runs through the lectures I hear that move me. . . that theme is patience and practice.  I want the results now...I want to accomplish this.... then I am reminded about patience.  And acceptance.  I reject things I do not want to happen, we all do, however, if you resist life, you will suffer.  So this is my practice:  acceptance and patience.  What's yours?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 4, July 13, 2011

The fourth day of the challenge, I have done my 60 minute practice today.  Struggling to maintain a positive outlook and notice that this too shall pass.  I know from studying yoga which is the exercise prescribed in Ayurveda (the science of life), that I am primarily a "vata" body-type.  When vata moves too much, works too much, this dosha (body-type) tends to get out of balance emotionally.  To rebalance, there are some small actions I can take (and will take today) that will bring me back into balance.  Eat, rest, take a warm bath, and simply allow in the abundance of my life.

If you are a pitta body-type, you are a driven person.  You get crabby when you get too hot, and you should avoid hot foods, even though you LOVE hot foods!  How to balance pitta:  cool off with watermelon, mint tea (iced), fennel seed, raisins. . . but go ahead a work out, but slow down and be kind to yourself!

If you are a kapha body-type, you may have trouble motivating yourself to move.  Know that when you do move, you will feel so much better!  Don't give in to the idea of more rest.

You can learn more about your body type at 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tough days ahead? What happens when we commit?

Making a commitment, I usually feel some remorse or regret shortly after.  I allow myself to feel my feelings, they may not always be comfortable.  These certainly are not.  Then something triggers my memory of having been here before.  How many times have I made a commitment, then regretted it?  How many times have I backed out of a commitment?  Usually not without a fight!  I am stubbornly committed to my commitments!

Ha ha!  There are better ways, however, to support yourself in what you are committed to.  Look at the language of your thoughts.  What if I said instead, that I am committed to the benefits I see from having committed to a 40-day yoga challenge? (for example : )  I am committed to being an inspiration in the world, I am committed to my own well-being and the well-being of others.  To joy, freedom, beauty, peace, harmony and love. . . These are the things I am committed to.  Ahh, the remorse is gone.  I am ready to be in the challenge....


Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 2, July 11, 2011

I woke up excited again, and panicking a bit, then I instantly remembered...I am NOT doing life like this!  God is taking care of everything for me.  Now, I feel great love in my heart as I move through my day.

Only 4 days left before Nagin Sanghavi and his daughter Harsha will be with us.  He will be speaking at the studio at 11 am on Thursday.  My biggest fear is that only 3 or 4 people show up and I have nothing to give him.  Now that I got that out, I remember that our biggest fear is the most unlikely thing to happen in our entire lifetime!

Ha ha!!!  So 2nd day of yoga challenge, I want to tell you about the Yamas in yoga philosophy.  The first one, the foundation of all of yoga philosophy is: Ahimsa:  non-violence in thought, word and action.  Notice your thoughts - are they loving? or ?  When taking on a yoga challenge, there is always the danger of being too hard on oneself.  When taking on any challenge, there is the possibility of being too hard on others.  The thing is, we will think these things constantly, yet the first step of ahimsa is to be aware of - to observe - all of the violence - outside of you and inside of you.  Then begin to transform it within yourself.  That is where the outside violence begins to disappear from view.

Gandhi was the father of nonviolent action - however, he was not the first.  Remember Jesus story?  He did not fight back when he was taken to be beaten, mocked, and crucified.  So when you have an unkind thought about anything today, remember to turn it into a loving thought.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 1, July 10, 2011

I leaped out of bed this morning!  Day 1 of the yoga challenge!  Well, not really, I couldn't sleep so I got up before 6 am.  My body has an irregular sleep schedule, so I don't fight it.  I start moving slowly, my neck, shoulders, and lower back are aching.  What?  Yes, they are, I start out just like everyone else each day.  The body took a pounding yesterday - I'm so excited about Nagin visiting and using that excitement energy to paint the room he will be staying in (that has needed painting for over 3 years now...).

Today my yoga is more painting, mindfully I apply the paint.  I observe my mind that has many things to say about the painting process:  "I wish it was done"; "what a mess", "it smells bad", "it takes forever", "my time is more valuable than this!". . on and on the mind chatters.

What is yoga:  In the yoga sutras of Patanjali, (I have a copy translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda) he says:
"the restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga".  Now restraint does not mean stopping all of that chatter, it means holding back or controlling.  How do you do that?
Step 1: Know that the mind never stops talking.
Step 2:  Know that you are not the mind.
Step 3:  Observe your thought patterns as you move through your yoga asana practice and each daily activity you participate in (the manual labor type work is the best time to practice this: doing dishes, folding laundry, painting the wall; wax on wax off....)

Oh, and here's a tip:  you can look at this mind chatter as entertainment or redirect your thoughts.  You can shift your attention.  You are not your mind.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

40 Day Yoga Challenge begins July 10

What is yoga? For 40 days this challenge is about you committing to your self.  What do you really want, what is your purpose, how do you want your body and mind to feel and experience life?

Only you can say.  This challenge is for you to begin a journey of true transformation.  Our guidebook is the 8-limbed path of yoga.  First looking at what are the 8-limbs:  Asana, Pranayama, Yamas, Niyamas, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
Now what are these?  You have heard of asana if you are doing this yoga challenge!  Asana is posture.  It is what most people think of when they think of yoga.  In the challenge, we are going to go much deeper than this.  Physical exercise.  This physical exercise, asana, is where it will begin.

Your pledge:  to practice yoga 6 days a week for 40 days, your asana practices - 4 to 6 days per week.  Another exercise, such as walking or swimming, the other 2 days if you do not want yoga that many days.

The length of asana practice - 60 minutes including breathing practice, meditation and relaxation time, one 75 minute practice per week.  Strive for a minimum of 20 minutes of those 60-minute practices being the asana (physical) practice.

Part of this challenge is to give your body the physical health and discipline for you to transform what you are setting out to transform right now.  This only happens through practice, daily, for a long period of time.  40 days is a powerful number to change any habit.  This repetition also creates new pathways in your brain!  Giving your mind and body new cooperation.

Another part of this challenge is to rein in your mind!  Read spiritual scriptures, listen to talks about spirituality, your religion or yoga - a tremendous opportunity is to come see Nagin Sanghavi July 14-16.  It helps you to keep true to your practice when you are paying attention to yoga.  Where you place your attention is what is powerful in your life.  Let's do it!!!