I leaped out of bed this morning! Day 1 of the yoga challenge! Well, not really, I couldn't sleep so I got up before 6 am. My body has an irregular sleep schedule, so I don't fight it. I start moving slowly, my neck, shoulders, and lower back are aching. What? Yes, they are, I start out just like everyone else each day. The body took a pounding yesterday - I'm so excited about Nagin visiting and using that excitement energy to paint the room he will be staying in (that has needed painting for over 3 years now...).
Today my yoga is more painting, mindfully I apply the paint. I observe my mind that has many things to say about the painting process: "I wish it was done"; "what a mess", "it smells bad", "it takes forever", "my time is more valuable than this!". . on and on the mind chatters.
What is yoga: In the yoga sutras of Patanjali, (I have a copy translated by Sri Swami Satchidananda) he says:
"the restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga". Now restraint does not mean stopping all of that chatter, it means holding back or controlling. How do you do that?
Step 1: Know that the mind never stops talking.
Step 2: Know that you are not the mind.
Step 3: Observe your thought patterns as you move through your yoga asana practice and each daily activity you participate in (the manual labor type work is the best time to practice this: doing dishes, folding laundry, painting the wall; wax on wax off....)
Oh, and here's a tip: you can look at this mind chatter as entertainment or redirect your thoughts. You can shift your attention. You are not your mind.
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