What happened to the last 5 days? My attention has been pulled away from blogging to working on website. Once again my arch nemesis rears its ugly head! Impatience combined with Fear! What if? what if? I gotta get it done NOW! I remember my former doctor Tom telling me about adrenal exhaustion 20 years ago when I had it from giving birth AND getting our house ready to sell (only a few weeks later)... He said: you can't whip a dead horse! So what do I do? I gently coax the horse along with promises of a vacation in just a few weeks, or something in the future (the carrot).
Two days ago, Saturday, the horse laid down and wouldn't get back up. I knew I must surrender - no choice then. I lay around with Angus reading and watching a movie, then reading, then watching a movie and eating choice yummy foods he brought me. I was exhausted, the mind wouldn't think, the body wouldn't move.
My friend Maria tells me - we teachers must practice what we teach! I know I say to her.
After a day of rest, I am back in the saddle, and I put the road signs in place- the "stop" signs, the yield signs, they are written into my calendar.
Yesterday it was a swimming pool meeting at 1:30-3:30 pm (I am tanned now). Tonight it is a friend's baby shower, tomorrow I am visiting another friend to sit and watch her clear her office. No stress, just rest. Friday, I go pick raspberries and hopefully bring some home (I like to eat as I pick!). In between all of that, I am still working on my website, scheduling classes, creating offerings for my studio that will also nurture those who come to my space.
This is yoga, yoga is all of life. Namaste.
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