Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 4, July 13, 2011

The fourth day of the challenge, I have done my 60 minute practice today.  Struggling to maintain a positive outlook and notice that this too shall pass.  I know from studying yoga which is the exercise prescribed in Ayurveda (the science of life), that I am primarily a "vata" body-type.  When vata moves too much, works too much, this dosha (body-type) tends to get out of balance emotionally.  To rebalance, there are some small actions I can take (and will take today) that will bring me back into balance.  Eat, rest, take a warm bath, and simply allow in the abundance of my life.

If you are a pitta body-type, you are a driven person.  You get crabby when you get too hot, and you should avoid hot foods, even though you LOVE hot foods!  How to balance pitta:  cool off with watermelon, mint tea (iced), fennel seed, raisins. . . but go ahead a work out, but slow down and be kind to yourself!

If you are a kapha body-type, you may have trouble motivating yourself to move.  Know that when you do move, you will feel so much better!  Don't give in to the idea of more rest.

You can learn more about your body type at 

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