Saturday, August 20, 2011

40 Days Completed

Yesterday was the final day of the 40 day yoga challenge.  This has been a very quiet one.  That is perfect, yoga should quiet things down!  It did.  I have practiced 6 days a week, and have gotten into a deeper practice than ever before.  It is ironic that I am talking about something that is such an inner process, I find myself not being able to put it into words, or even wanting to.  However, there is a passion within me that tells me to share this experience.  Yoga.  It gives me such joy, peace, contentment that I want to share it.

The thing about this is you can not hold onto it.  It is like a butterfly, you allow it to land on you and do not grasp it.  You simply practice attending to the posture, the breath, observe the minds gymnastics, and let go.  Continue to practice.  That is the key.  You practice, and practice, and do not look for the results. It takes patience and perseverance.  It takes a commitment to allowing all to arise, never grasping.

What arises is everything:  tears, sadness, anger, joy, peace, ugliness, heartache, pain, energy, power.  It is all there.  If you reject any of it, you are stuck in that which you reject.  What you are left with after 40 days...your self.  I am still myself.  Nothing has changed and everything has.  Is my life in a better place because of this?  My life is in a better place right now, in this moment, and this too shall pass.  Perhaps you could say that my mind isn't so much in control of me.  I have practiced not getting hooked into all of this passing stuff.  I am a little bit better at it now than I was 40 days ago.  And...this too shall pass.


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