Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 32 Challenge of Being

I woke up worried.  I recognized this mood immediately.  It has been a near constant companion since opening my own business.  And it has been my nemesis.  How to quit worrying?  What is the yogic trick to this?

My meditation master says "Worry is praying for failure".  Groan. . . I know!!!  It just happens!  It's August, the slowest month of EVERY year for a Minnesota yoga studio.  I know that and still get upset when it happens.  I alternate between upset and laughter - ha ha haa!  It's so funny that this upsets me exactly the same way for exactly the same reason.

When did this old fear first begin to plague me?  I recall experiencing this when I was in my 20's right after purchasing a new home with my first husband.   I knew then what I know now.  Worry does not help, it actually hinders.  However, now I have a tool.  I have yoga and meditation.  I have the ability to redirect my attention.  I have some control over that wild mind that says "oh noooooh!!!!".  It is a little bit of control now, but it is just enough that instead of existing in worry for the entire day - I am free of it in less than one hour from waking up.  How?

I have things to do!!!  I have a beautiful home to take care of!  I get to go teach some very enthusiastic yoga students - who happen to be from India too - so I get to practice learning more about their names - "Rupa", "Preetha" - they always come to class.  Then after that, I get to work with Lynn on my shoulder stand - she's a master-teacher in my studio - my shoulder is still stuck from my bike accident last year.

The challenge of being  - what this means to me is that each day I can choose to "be" anything - no matter what my circumstances.  Each day when my mind wakes up take time to shift my being to what I want - to how I want to spend my day.  Today I choose being grateful, enthusiastic and loving.

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