I didn't write in the blog yesterday (this is day 12 of the 40-day yoga challenge). Yesterday was 11-11-11, a once in a lifetime occurrence. I wanted to spend the entire day being present to the energy all around and within me. It was an incredible day.
We had a one hour meditation at 11 am in the studio (phenomenal) - it was also World Meditation Day. So much love - what a beautiful time it was. We had a group of 8 meditatators representing 7 countries! We acknowledged the coincidence of this global microcommunity in a time of global community.
In the evening I attended our Ecstatic Dance event. It was the 2nd time in our studio and the first time I attended. At first I thought I had not done this before, but as we got started I realized that this type of dance is what I have been doing since I was 5 years old in front of my parents tv on Saturday mornings when American Bandstand came on! It reminds me of my favorite song that I kept singing over and over again when I was 5: I love you yeah, yeah, yeah. . . by the Beatles. I was such a Beatles fan at age 5 and not until I turned 50, did I realize the significance of their lyrics! I too am on a path of love & devotion now. The Beatles sang about that path and it is so amazing to me that they became so famous and yet, it is not surprising. When all of your actions, thoughts, words are coming from love: life is fabulous!
Back to the Dance: I love movement - in yoga, I put on music and move through asanas, linking movement with breath. In dance, I do the same, but it is more free. My legs are very tired today after a week of practicing yoga, then dancing last night for two hours. But I am relaxed. I am smiling because of the experience, the beautiful music that DJ Bonobo played and the energy that was released in the dance. It has been too long since I danced. I invite you to come next time, it is very fun. (Dec. 9, 2011 at 7-10 pm)
Now I am preparing to attend our 108 sun salutations event. I do not know where I will find the energy and strength to lead this event. I am not worried, however. From many years of reaching into the unlimited well through life, through yoga practice too, I am confident the event will be great. The energy will be there because the event is not about me. The event is a fundraiser for "There and Back Again" an organization that provides services for combat veterans of all conflicts. One of the services is providing yoga classes. Please check out their website and donate online if you are not able to attend. Here's one quote from the site: "Yoga gave me hope and the strength I needed to reconnect myself to the world again".
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